

The Inclining experiment will be carried out to find out the weight of light ship, Height of Center of Gravity (VCG) and Length of Center of Gravity (LCG)

The Vessel should be completed in all respects as near to the light ship  condition as possible.
All tank should be empty and clean, or completely full. All tank, void space and bilges should be sounded and recorded prior to the experiment.

The vessel should be floating at even keel or with trim not more than 1% of LBP. The initial list (heeling)  should be less than 0.5 degree. If more trim is allowed, trimmed hydrostatic are to be used to analyzed the experiment result.
All personnel on board shall position themselves at ship’s centerline before the reading are taken and the number of personnel on board was kept to the minimum.

All mooring ropes are to be slackened during inclining experiment, especially when taking readings.
The total test weight used should be sufficient to provide a minimum inclination of 1 degree and maximum of 4 degree of heel.

The sample position of ballast concrete for inclining experiment :
  W1 Fr. 42 4.0 m of CL Starboard
  W2 Fr. 39 4.0 m of CL Portside
  W3 Fr. 36 4.0 m of CL Starboard
  W4 Fr. 33 4.0 m of CL Portside

Inclining Experiment Plan
Inclining Experiment Plan

Two (2) pendulum will be used to allow identification of bad readings at any one pendulum station. One (1) pendulum at forward, and one (1) pendulum at after of ship.
Eight (8) weight movement will be executed along inclining experiment.

Inclining Experiment pendulum record sheet
Pendulum Record Sheet
Read Another Article : Ship Launching

       1.Draft of the ship such as after draft and fore draft (Port and Starboard).
       2.Length of Pendulum.
       3.Pendulum deflection for each weight movement.
       4.Weight to be added and weight to be deducted.
       5.Density of seawater.


inclining experiment formula

     where :
W = Shifted Weight in Tones
d = Transvere Spread in meters
D = Diplacement as Inclined
O = Angle of heeling on inclining experiment in degree
GM = Metacenter of Gravity in meters


Inclining Experiment tools

O = x / L
x = Measure from letter of graphic
L = Pendulum Length
A = Basin
B = Pendulum
C = Rope of Pendulum
D = Oil
E = Letter of graphic

Inclining Experiment Shifting Movement

Shifting Movement

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